Thursday, January 17, 2008

The Forgotten World - Update

Okay, I've done it. Instead of making my femme fatale in The Forgotten World a vampire, I've simply given her a penchant for blood. It doesn't change the storyline, but it adds another dimension to my villain(ess). Now I have to give the story a once-over for typos and grammar. Then I'll work on my pitch and query while waiting for my daughter's critical editorial eye to have a look at it, and then I'll start submitting.

After that, there's The Book of Lore to work on. That book is in second draft, so it won't be too far behind The Forgotten World, and in the TFW query letter, I will probably mention that I have a completed first draft of a second book. The idea here is to show I have no intention of being a one-hit-wonder.


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