Monday, January 14, 2008

The Forgotten World

I have, for the most part, completed The Forgotten World. I have some polishing to do, and I'm going to see if my daughter can do some editing for me (she is an ENGL major and reads more books than anyone I've ever known). It's just a matter of her being objective. We'll see.

Now that the book is (reasonably) complete, I am quite naturally looking into a revision. I might want my villain to be a vampire. I'm not sure because there are so many vampire stories out there these days, but a vampire always makes for a darn good villain. We'll see about this too.

I also need to get permission in writing from Kevin to use the Forgotten World ( theme. He granted me permission some time ago, but for legal reasons, I'll need it in writing eventually. It will also be a good plug for the web site and game.

I have to thank and recommend Jessica Faust at Book Ends Literary Agency ( for running what I believe is the second round of a pitch workshop. Authors uploaded their best (well, not exactly in my case) pitch that they would send to an agent and Jessica critiqued each one. Mine was #95 and I received a mixed critique, but that was okay. I knew it was not my best as soon as I posted it, but I let it ride. It was even a replacement for one I had posted a few minutes earlier, but I did not want to post a third. If you have the chance, you should read her blog - lots of good advice in there for current and prospective authors, not to mention the pitch critique.


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